Neighbourhood Plan – where we are now


After extensive work by the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group over the summer the Plan has now been informally submitted to Wycombe District Council for informal review and comment.

Once this stage has been completed the plan will be formally brought to the Parish Council for approval, after this stage it will be submitted to Wycombe District Council and will trigger the 6 week consultation period.

During the consultation period the Parish Council will hold exhibitions to show the sites allocated and be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Please look out for updates on this website and in the Parish Newsletter for dates of the Consultations and exhibitions.


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4 Responses to Neighbourhood Plan – where we are now

  1. Bill Brown says:

    Hello Julie,
    I have just attended the meeting for the NH is there a link so that we can view the map on line,
    Thanks Bill

    • Julie Bunker says:

      Hi Bill

      Thank you for getting in touch, All the information is now up on the website.


  2. Duncan Yarroll says:

    Please could you confirm what the current status is and when the consultation period is likely to commence?

    I have put forward my land but have heard nothing on whether it is likely to be included within the plan or not

    • Julie Bunker says:

      Dear Duncan

      Thank you for getting in touch.

      We are launching the the pre-submission draft NP at the annual parish meeting on 8th and material will be available there including preferred sites. More details of the meeting will be uploaded our websites shortly and it will be advertised around the village and in the Newsletter.

      Kind regards


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