January News Update

Drop-In Session

The Neighbourhood Planning Group  invite you to a drop in session on

Saturday, February 10th, 10am -1pm at

The Stewart Hall, Station Road, Little Kimble

This is an opportunity to see the detailed results of the Neighbourhood Plan Survey and meet members of the Neighbourhood Planning Group

Refreshments will be available

Call For Sites

 Neighbourhood Plan, Great and Little Kimble cum Marsh

As part of the process of preparing a Parish Neighbourhood Plan, the Great and Little Kimble cum Marsh Parish Council is keen to identify suitable and deliverable sites for new housing,

Would developers, landowners, agents, individuals and other interested parties please submit details of sites they wish to be considered for future housing in the Parish of Great & Little Kimble cum Marsh.

To be considered within the assessment, the sites submitted for potential housing development have to be capable of delivering 5 or more dwellings.

The sites submitted will subsequently be assessed for their development potential in accordance with planning policies as part of a new Neighbourhood Plan and will include those already identified by Wycombe District Council in the Kimble Landscape Sensitivity Study September 2017.

To be considered the following information in the order set out below is required:
1) Name, address and contact details of the proposer
2) Relationship to the site – owner, agent or promoter etc.
3) Details of ownership of the site
4) A scale site plan clearly identifying the boundaries
5) Other background information if available
6) Details of any barriers to delivery

All proposals to be submitted in writing to
Julie Bunker, Clerk to the Parish Council by 18th February 2018

20 Kimble Park, Little Kimble HP17 0OG

Additional electronic copies on disc or memory stick would also be appreciated.

Survey results are now available on this website.

Please click here.


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